NJson | JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) |
▼NMyra | Namespace declaration for all of the Myra Canyon helper functions |
NL2 | Layer 2 (ethernet) |
NL3_ARP | Layer 3 is ARP |
NL3_IP | Layer 3 is either IPv4 or IPv6 |
NL3_IPv4 | Layer 3 is IPv4 |
NL3_IPv6 | Layer 3 is IPv6 |
NL4_ICMP | Definitions and helper functions for when layer 4 is ICMP |
NL4_ICMPv6 | Definitions and helper functions for when layer 4 is ICMPv6 |
NL4_TCP | Definitions and helper functions for when layer 4 is TCP |
NL4_UDP | Definitions and helper functions for when layer 4 is UDP |
NSession | Manage session IDs. Used by the Myra Apache module to determine if a user has correctly logged in |
▼NTraffic | Namespace to group everything related to network traffic |
NBitTorrent | Detect and examine BitTorrent packets |
NEPS_Conduits | Detect and examine EPS Conduits packets |
NFlash | Detect and examine Flash packets |
NFTP | Detect and examine plain text FTP packets |
NGoogleTalk | Detect and examine Google Talk packets |
NHTTP | Detect and examine HTTP packets |
NICMP | Detect and examine ICMP packets |
NName_Resolution | Detect and examine DNS packets |
NNTP | Detect and examine UDP network time protocol packets |
NPing | Detect and examine ICMP ping packets |
NQUIC | Detect and examine Google QUIC packets |
NRFB | Detect and examine RFB packets, such as VNC |
NSIP | Detect and examine SIP packets |
NSPDY | Detect and examine SPDY packets |
NSSH | Detect and examine SSH packets |
NSVN | Detect and examine Subversion packets |
NTLS | Detect and examine TLS packets |
NUDP_Name_Resolution | Detect and examine UDP DNS packets |