A number of files are installed and modified.
Some of the important ones that administrators may want to know about are:
File | Type | Description |
/etc/bind/named.conf.options | config | Configuration file for bind9 (named). |
/etc/cron.d/myra-canyon | config | Cron job to start myra-server.sh on boot up. |
/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf | config | Configuration file for dhcpd. |
/etc/myra-canyon.conf | config | Configuration file for Myra Canyon. |
/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf | config | Configuration file for PostgreSQL. |
/etc/sysctl.d/30-myra-canyon.conf | config | Toggle /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward . |
/usr/bin/myra-configure.sh | shell | Script to configure Myra server. |
/usr/bin/myra-firewall.sh | shell | Script to setup rules for iptables masquerading and forwarding. |
/usr/bin/myra-server | binary | The Myra server, started by myra-server.sh . |
/usr/bin/myra-server.sh | shell | A simple script used to start (and automatically restart) myra-server . |
/usr/bin/myra-session | binary | Manage user session IDs. |
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/libmod_myra.so | binary | Apache module for validating user session IDs. |
/usr/share/myra/myra-private-key.pem | pem | Private SSL key for Apache HTTPS. |
/usr/share/myra/myra-public-cert.pem | pem | Public SSL certificate for Apache HTTPS. |
/usr/share/myra/myra-session.json | json | User session IDs, used by the web interface and myra-session . |